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Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  2001-05-22  |  12KB  |  213 lines

  1. :Base del6cw.hlp>main
  2. :Title Component Writer's Guide
  3. 1 Creating Custom Components
  4. 2 Introduction to component creation
  5. 3 Overview of component creation=cwgoverviewofcomponentcreation
  6. 3 The Visual Component Library=cwgthevisualcomponentlibrary
  7. 3 Components and classes=cwgcomponentsandobjects
  8. 3 How do you create components?=cwgwhatkindsofcomponentscanyoucreate
  9. 3 Modifying existing controls=cwgcustomcontrols
  10. 3 Creating original controls=cwgwindowedcontrols
  11. 3 Creating graphic controls=cwggraphicalcontrols
  12. 3 Subclassing Windows controls=cwgsubclassedcontrols
  13. 3 Creating nonvisual components=cwggenericcomponents
  14. 3 What goes into a component?=cwgwhatgoesintoacomponent
  15. 3 Removing dependencies=cwgremovingcontracts
  16. 3 Properties, methods, and events=cwgpropertiesmethodsandevents
  17. 3 Graphics encapsulation=cwggraphicsencapsulation
  18. 3 Registration Overview=cwgstreamingandregistration
  19. 3 Creating a new component=cwgcreatinganewcomponent
  20. 3 Using the Component wizard=cwgusingthecomponentexpert
  21. 3 Creating a component manually=cwgcreatingacomponentmanually
  22. 3 Creating a unit=cwgcreatingaunit
  23. 3 Deriving the component=cwgderivingthecomponentobject
  24. 3 Registering the component=cwgregisteringthecomponent
  25. 3 Testing uninstalled components=cwgtestinguninstalledcomponents
  26. 3 Testing installed components=cwgtestinginstalledcomponents
  27. 2 Object-oriented programming for component writers
  28. 3 Object-oriented programming for component writers: Overview=cwgoopforcomponentwriters
  29. 3 Defining new classes=cwgderivingnewobjects
  30. 3 Deriving new classes=cwgderivingnewtypes
  31. 3 Changing class defaults to avoid repetition=cwgchangingtypedefaults
  32. 3 Adding new capabilities to a class=cwgaddingnewcapabilities
  33. 3 Declaring a new component class=cwgdeclaringanewcomponenttype
  34. 3 Ancestors and descendants=cwgancestorsanddescendants
  35. 3 Controlling access=cwgcontrollingaccess
  36. 3 Hiding implementation details=cwghidingimplementationdetails
  37. 3 Defining the developer's interface=cwgdefiningthedevelopersinterface
  38. 3 Defining the runtime interface=cwgdefiningtheruntimeinterface
  39. 3 Defining the design-time interface=cwgdefiningthedesigntimeinterface
  40. 3 Dispatching methods=cwgdispatchingmethods
  41. 3 Static methods=cwgstaticmethods
  42. 3 Virtual methods=cwgoopvirtualmethods
  43. 3 Overriding methods=cwgoverridingmethods
  44. 3 Dynamic methods=cwgdynamicmethods
  45. 3 Abstract class members=cwgabstractclassmembers
  46. 3 Classes and pointers=cwgobjectsandpointers
  47. 2 Creating properties
  48. 3 Creating properties: Overview=cwgcreatingproperties
  49. 3 Why create properties?=cwgpropertywhy
  50. 3 Types of properties=cwgpropertytypes
  51. 3 Publishing inherited properties=cwgpublishinginheritedpropertiesp
  52. 3 Defining component properties=cwgdefiningproperties
  53. 3 The property declaration=cwgpropertydeclaration
  54. 3 Internal data storage (properties)=cwgpropertystorage
  55. 3 Direct access=cwgdirectaccess
  56. 3 Access methods (properties)=cwgpropertymethods
  57. 3 The read method=cwgthereadmethod
  58. 3 The write method=cwgthewritemethod
  59. 3 Default property values=cwgdefaultpropertyvalues
  60. 3 Specifying no default value=cwgspecifyingnodefaultvalue
  61. 3 Creating array properties=cwgcreatingindexedproperties
  62. 3 Creating properties for subcomponents=cwgcreatingpropertiesforsubcomponents
  63. 3 Creating properties for interfaces=cwgcreatingpropertiesforinterfaces
  64. 3 Storing and loading properties=cwgstoringandloadingproperties
  65. 3 Using the store-and-load mechanism=cwgstoreload
  66. 3 Specifying default values=cwgspecifyingdefaultvalues
  67. 3 Determining what to store=cwgstoringunpublisheddata
  68. 3 Initializing after loading=cwginitializingafterloading
  69. 3 Storing and loading unpublished properties=cwgstoringandloadingunpublishedproperties
  70. 3 Creating methods to store and load property values=cwgcreatingmethodstostoreandloadpropertyvalues
  71. 3 Overriding the DefineProperties method=cwgoverridingthedefinepropertiesmethod
  72. 2 Creating events
  73. 3 Creating events: Overview=cwgcreatingevents
  74. 3 What are events?=cwgwhatareevents
  75. 3 Events are method pointers=cwgeventsaremethodpointers
  76. 3 Calling the click-event handler=cwgeventsaremethodpointersex
  77. 3 Events are properties=cwgeventsareproperties
  78. 3 Event types are method-pointer types=cwgeventtypesaremethodpointertypes
  79. 3 Event handler types are procedures=cwgeventhandlertypesareprocedures
  80. 3 Event handlers are optional=cwgeventhandlersareoptional
  81. 3 Implementing the standard events=cwgimplementingthestandardevents
  82. 3 Identifying standard events=cwgwhatarethestandardevents
  83. 3 Making events visible=cwgmakingeventhooksvisible
  84. 3 Changing the standard event handling=cwgchangingthestandardeventhandling
  85. 3 Defining your own events=cwgdefiningyourownevents
  86. 3 Triggering the event=cwgspecifyingtheevent
  87. 3 Two kinds of events=cwgtwokindsofevents
  88. 3 Defining the handler type=cwgdefiningthehandlertype
  89. 3 Declaring the event=cwgdeclaringtheevent
  90. 3 Calling the event=cwgcallingtheevent
  91. 3 Empty handlers must be valid=cwgemptyhandlers
  92. 3 Users can override default handling=cwguserscanoverridedefaulthandling
  93. 2 Creating methods
  94. 3 Creating methods: Overview=cwgcreatingmethods
  95. 3 Avoiding interdependencies=cwgavoidcontracts
  96. 3 Naming methods=cwgnamingmethods
  97. 3 Protecting methods=cwgpublicorprotected
  98. 3 Methods that should be public=cwgmethodsthatshouldbepublic
  99. 3 Methods that should be protected=cwgmethodsthatshouldbeprotected
  100. 3 Abstract methods=cwgabstractmethods
  101. 3 Making methods virtual=cwgvirtualmethods
  102. 3 Declaring methods=cwgdeclaringmethods
  103. 2 Using graphics in components
  104. 3 Using graphics in components: Overview=cwgusinggraphicsincomponents
  105. 3 Overview of graphics=cwgoverviewofgraphics
  106. 3 Using the canvas=cwgusingthecanvas
  107. 3 Working with pictures=cwgworkingwithpictures
  108. 3 Using a picture, graphic, or canvas=cwgpicturesgraphicsandcanvases
  109. 3 Loading and storing graphics=cwggraphicsinfiles
  110. 3 Handling palettes=cwghandlingpalettes
  111. 3 Specifying a palette for a control=cwgspecifyingapaletteforacontrol
  112. 3 Responding to palette changes=cwgrespondingtopalettechanges
  113. 3 Offscreen bitmaps=cwgoffscreenbitmaps
  114. 3 Creating and managing off-screen bitmaps=cwgcreatingandmanagingoffscreenbitmaps
  115. 3 Copying bitmapped images=cwgcopyingbitmappedimages
  116. 3 Responding to changes=cwgrespondingtochanges
  117. 2 Handling messages
  118. 3 Handling messages: Overview=cwgrespondingtomessages
  119. 3 Understanding the message-handling system=cwgunderstandingmessages
  120. 3 What's in a Windows message?=cwgwhatsinawindowsmessage
  121. 3 Dispatching messages=cwgdispatchingmessages
  122. 3 Changing message handling=cwgchangingmessagehandling
  123. 3 Overriding the handler method=cwgoverridingtheresponsemethod
  124. 3 Using message parameters=cwgusingmessageparameters
  125. 3 Trapping messages=cwgtrappingmessages
  126. 3 The WndProc method=cwgtrappingmessagesex
  127. 3 Creating new message handlers=cwgcreatingnewmessagehandlers
  128. 3 Declaring a message identifier=cwgdeclaringamessageidentifier
  129. 3 Declaring a message-structure type=cwgdeclaringamessagetype
  130. 3 Declaring a new message-handling method=cwgdeclaringanewmessageresponsemethod
  131. 2 Making components available at design time
  132. 3 Making components available at design time: Overview=cwgmakingcomponentsavailableatdesigntime
  133. 3 Registering components=cwgregisteringcomponentswiththeide
  134. 3 Declaring the register procedure=cwgdeclaringtheregisterfunction
  135. 3 Writing the Register procedure=cwgwritingtheregisterfunction
  136. 3 Specifying the components=cwgspecifyingthecomponents
  137. 3 Specifying the palette page=cwgspecifyingthepalettepage
  138. 3 Using the RegisterComponents function=cwgusingtheregistercomponentsfunction
  139. 3 Adding palette bitmaps=cwgaddingpalettebitmaps
  140. 3 Providing Help for your component=cwgprovidinghelponproperties
  141. 3 Creating the help file=cwgcreatingthehelpfile
  142. 3 Creating the entries=cwgcreatingtheentries
  143. 3 Making component help context-sensitive=cwgmakingcomponenthelpcontextsensitive
  144. 3 Adding component help files=cwgaddingcomponenthelptosystemhelp
  145. 3 Adding property editors=cwgaddingpropertyeditors
  146. 3 Deriving a property-editor class=cwgderivingapropertyeditorobject
  147. 3 Setting the property value=cwgsettingthepropertyvalue
  148. 3 Editing the property as a whole=cwgeditingthepropertyasawhole
  149. 3 Specifying editor attributes=cwgspecifyingeditorattributes
  150. 3 Registering the property editor=cwgregisteringthepropertyeditor
  151. 3 Property categories=cwgpropertycategories
  152. 3 Registering one property at a time=cwgregisteringonepropertyatatime
  153. 3 Registering multiple properties at once=cwgregisteringmultiplepropertiesatonce
  154. 3 Specifying property categories=cwgpropertycategoryclasses
  155. 3 Using the IsPropertyInCategory function=cwgusingtheispropertyincategoryfunction
  156. 3 Adding component editors=cwgaddingcomponenteditors
  157. 3 Adding items to the context menu=cwgaddingitemstothecontextmenu
  158. 3 Specifying menu items=cwgspecifyingmenuitems
  159. 3 Implementing commands=cwgimplementingcommands
  160. 3 Changing the double-click behavior=cwgchangingthedoubleclickbehavior
  161. 3 Adding clipboard formats=cwgaddingclipboardformats
  162. 3 Registering the component editor=cwgregisteringthecomponenteditor
  163. 3 Compiling components into packages=cwgcompilingcomponentsintopackages
  164. 2 Modifying an existing component
  165. 3 Modifying an existing component: Overview=cwgmodifyinganexistingcomponent
  166. 3 Creating and registering the component=cwgcreatingandregisteringthecomponent
  167. 3 Modifying the component object=cwgmodifyingthecomponentobject
  168. 3 Overriding the constructor=cwgoverridingtheconstructor
  169. 3 Specifying the new default property value=cwgspecifyingthenewdefaultpropertyvalue
  170. 2 Creating a graphic component
  171. 3 Creating a graphic component=cwgcreatingagraphiccomponent
  172. 3 Creating and registering the component=cwgcreatingandregisteringthecomponents
  173. 3 Publishing inherited properties=cwgpublishinginheritedpropertiess
  174. 3 Adding graphic capabilities=cwgaddinggraphiccapabilities
  175. 3 Determining what to draw=cwgdeterminingwhattodraw
  176. 3 Declaring the property type=cwgdeclaringthepropertytype
  177. 3 Declaring the property=cwgdeclaringtheproperty
  178. 3 Writing the implementation method=cwgwritingtheimplementationmethod
  179. 3 Overriding the constructor and destructor=cwgoverridingtheconstructoranddestructor
  180. 3 Publishing the pen and brush=cwgpublishingthepenandbrush
  181. 3 Declaring the class fields=cwgdeclaringtheclassfields
  182. 3 Declaring the access properties=cwgdeclaringtheaccessproperties
  183. 3 Initializing owned classes=cwginitializingownedclasses
  184. 3 Setting owned classes' properties=cwgsettingownedclassesproperties
  185. 3 Drawing the component image=cwgdrawingthecomponentimage
  186. 3 Refining the shape drawing=cwgrefiningtheshapedrawing
  187. 2 Customizing a grid
  188. 3 Customizing a grid: Overview=cwgcustomizingagrid
  189. 3 Creating and registering the component=cwgcreatingandregisteringthecomponentc
  190. 3 Publishing inherited properties=cwgpublishinginheritedpropertiesc
  191. 3 Changing initial values=cwgchanginginitialvalues
  192. 3 Resizing the cells=cwgresizingthecells
  193. 3 Filling in the cells=cwgfillinginthecells
  194. 3 Tracking the date=cwgtrackingthedate
  195. 3 Storing the internal date=cwgstoringtheinternaldate
  196. 3 Accessing the day, month, and year=cwgaccessingthedaymonthandyear
  197. 3 Generating the day numbers=cwggeneratingthedaynumbers
  198. 3 Selecting the current day=cwgselectingthecurrentday
  199. 3 Navigating months and years=cwgnavigatingmonthsandyears
  200. 3 Navigating days=cwgnavigatingdays
  201. 3 Moving the selection=cwgmovingtheselection
  202. 3 Providing an OnChange event=cwgprovidinganonchangeevent
  203. 3 Excluding blank cells=cwgexcludingblankcells
  204. 2 Making a dialog box a component
  205. 3 Making a dialog box a component: Overview=cwgmakingadialogboxacomponent
  206. 3 Defining the component interface=cwgdefiningthecomponentinterface
  207. 3 Creating and registering the component=cwgcreatingandregisteringthecomponentdlg
  208. 3 Creating the component interface=cwgcreatingthecomponentinterface
  209. 3 Including the form unit=cwgincludingtheformunit
  210. 3 Adding interface properties=cwgaddinginterfaceproperties
  211. 3 Adding the Execute method=cwgaddingtheexecutemethod
  212. 3 Testing the component=cwgtestingthecomponent